Why is the skin itchy? 15 MOST COMMON REASONS

Itching of the skin can be a sign of many diseases and disorders. Sometimes this symptom appears as the first symptom of a very serious disease.

For this reason, if you are worried about "unexplained" itching, be sure to see a doctor. First of all, get examined by a therapist. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations and tests, or refer the patient to other specialists (dermatologist, endocrinologist, allergist, etc.).

Thus, diseases and disorders that cause itching:

- Allergies are one of the main causes of itchy skin. According to doctors, most people in the world have some form of allergy. In this case, the factor that caused the allergic reaction (it can be animal hair, wool, detergents, any food, etc.) should be identified, and the person suffering from allergies should not come into contact with this substance (if possible).

According to Saglamolun.az, neurodermatitis is a more complex form of allergic reaction. During neurodermatitis, the skin in the itchy areas of the skin becomes thick and uneven. Itching makes the patient more anxious at night. Neurodermatitis usually develops in children in childhood, is exacerbated from time to time and is accompanied by severe, unbearable itching. In many cases, the exacerbation of the disease develops against the background of stress. The patient should be treated by an allergist. Treatment is carried out in courses for a long time.

- In many cases, the cause of itchy skin is severe stress. Some mental illnesses (psychosis, etc.) are accompanied by itching.

- Diabetes mellitus. During this disease, blood sugar levels rise, which causes itching all over the body or in any part of the body (anus, genitals). Itching may bother the patient constantly or may occur intermittently. In addition to itching, the patient develops symptoms such as thirst, accelerated urination, weakness, weight loss.

- Itching of the skin occurs in many diseases and disorders of the liver. Impaired liver function affects the composition of the blood, which leads to itching and so on. causes symptoms (jaundice, dark urine, general weakness, skin rashes, etc.). In cirrhosis and cancer of the liver, itching becomes very intolerable, and the patient is very worried.

- During kidney diseases and disorders, the kidneys do not clean the blood well, as a result of which the body accumulates large amounts of toxins, slag and other harmful substances. As a result, the skin becomes itchy.

- Itch. Currently, this disease is much rarer. The cause of the disease is a microscopic itch tick.

- Taking certain medications can cause itching. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who prescribes this drug.

- Fungal diseases also cause itching. In many cases, fungal infections occur on the feet and genitals. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes special antifungal drugs (in the form of tablets, creams, candles).

- Babasil causes inflammation of the rectum (proctitis) and severe itching in the anus. In addition to itching, the patient may be bothered by pain, bloody, mucous secretions, difficulty in passing feces.

- Itching is one of the main symptoms of psoriasis (skin disease). Damaged skin is covered with whitish scales. Psoriasis is a chronic disease, the exact causes of which are still unknown in medicine. A dermatologist treats the disease.

- Itching in the genitals in men and women can be a sign of sexually transmitted infections. In this case, in addition to itching, the patient may be disturbed by unusual secretions (purulent, odorous, green, etc.).

- In women, the hormonal background changes before menopause, which can lead to itching and dryness in the genital tract.

- Prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc. in men. In men, itching occurs in the genitals and anus. In addition, the patient may be bothered by symptoms such as pain in the interstitial area (exacerbated during urination), difficulty urinating, and sometimes fever.

- Itching often occurs in people with very thin and dry skin (especially in the elderly). In this case, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with moisturizers, protect it from wind and sun.

- Worm diseases (enterobiosis, etc.) cause itching of the anus.

- Women may have itchy skin during pregnancy. The skin of the abdomen is strongly stretched, thinned, and this causes itching. Itching usually passes after birth.
